Bitterness is the result of the pain, the affronts, the difficulties that you have known throughout your life. In life, we not only receive compliments and good wishes but also bitterness.

In a Christian’s walk, one thing is certain, and that is to suffer because of the choice you have made to give up the old life. You have to pay a price to overcome new levels in this new nature. Some believe the best decision is to climb out the window, leaving the front door line. Others have chosen to shorten the real road to get there faster. Daily life provides enormous examples of people who did not decide to face their problems, among them those who put an end to their life (commit suicide).

What does the Bible say about bitterness?

In Ephesians 4:31 “Let all bitterness, and animosity, anger, clamor, slander, and all kind of wickedness, perish from among you.” The word of God places this form of resentment in the list of the works of the flesh which by nature is the enemy of our faith and of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.  It should also be remembered that bitterness provokes strong hostilities towards others. It kills the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a poison for spiritual development.

The greatest danger of bitterness

It is when we allow bitterness to invade our hearts that it prevents any reconciliation. Therefore, bitterness leads to anger, which is the outward manifestation of inner feelings. Anger often leads to conflict, when the angry person feels the need to voice their grievances to everyone. Bitterness also leads to slander. In Ephesians 4, it is not about blasphemies against God or shameless lies against other men, but about any speech inspired by anger, the purpose of which is to hurt others.

Some methods to combat bitterness include the following:

1) Exercise kindness to all.

2) Practice forgiveness. (Even if it’s not too easy, God can help you)

3) Find good things in the person (s) who hurt you.

4) Pray for all those who have offended you and take positive actions towards them.

5) Forget the scars and go for a fresh start.

6) Make JESUS ​​your only refuge and it is in him alone that there are no weaknesses.

7) See that your bitterness does not produce any root, for the roots give birth to offspring.

God’s plan for us is that we live in love. We should not allow any root of bitterness to grow in our hearts. Trust the doctor of the soul, JESUS ​​CHRIST, with his blood which can heal all kinds of illness.


Photo Credit: ©Unsplash

Author: Samuel Auguste

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